00 皆さんは英語が好きですか?勉強していて楽しいですか?
- 今までとはちょっと違う自分になれる(アイデンティティーの再構築ができる)
- 未知なる他者や世界への理解が深まる(もう少し遠いところまで行ける)
- 今まで普通だった世界が普通ではなくなる(なるほど!と思う瞬間が増える)
01 今までとはちょっと違う自分になれる(アイデンティティーの再構築ができる)
- 愛してるよ (I love you)
- あなたのことを誇りに思うわ (I am proud of you)
02 未知なる他者や世界への理解が深まる(もう少し遠いところまで行ける)
03 今まで普通だった世界が普通ではなくなる(なるほど!と思う瞬間が増える)
00 Do you like English? Do you enjoy studying it?
Many of you who read this column may be thinking, “I know I need English, but it’s difficult,” or “I have to learn a lot of words and idioms, and it’s hard work.
So, I would like to talk about learning English over the next four or so issues.
I will talk about learning English over the next four or so issues, but not because it is absolutely necessary for work in the future! I will first talk about the fun things you can do if you speak English. Then, I will tell you how you should study English in an easy-to-understand way. I would like to tell you how to study English in an easy-to-understand way, so please bear with me.
What is the fun of learning a language other than one’s native tongue, let alone English?
I think there are three things.
(1) You can become a slightly different person from the one you are used to (you can reconstruct your identity).
(2) Deepen your understanding of the unknown (to go a little farther).
(3) The world that used to be normal is not normal anymore (I see! There are more moments when I think).
Oh, don’t you call it intercultural communication? You may be thinking, “What is this? (2) is close to that, but I dare not focus on that this time. We have already heard that a lot, haven’t we? So, let’s look at the joy of English as a more personal experience.
01 You can become a slightly different person from before (you can rebuild your identity)
In Japan, you are used to saying “Arigato” (thank you) and “Sumimasen” (excuse me). Then, do you use the following words in your daily life?
I love you.
I am proud of you.
All of these are very common expressions in English in everyday life. The first one is I love you, the second one is similar to “You did a great job, you did a great job,” but you don’t say them very often. When did you last say this to your family, friends, or teachers?
When you start speaking English, you will use many of these expressions that are unfamiliar to you in Japanese. At first, you may feel tickled or embarrassed. But as you get used to them, you will be able to use them naturally. In a sense, this is when your character is rebuilt. Many people say that, for some reason, they feel more open and can express themselves more honestly when they speak English. This is one of the joys of being able to use English.
02 Deepen your understanding of others and the world you don’t know (and get a little farther)
You can go a little farther than usual when you ride a bike. Speaking English is similar to this. For example, let’s say there is a little deaf child crying in front of you. You would probably try to help him by gesturing with your hands. But what if you could sign? You could understand more precisely why the child is in trouble and what he wants to say. Or why did the late Steve Jobs’ speech, the founder of Apple, arouse such enthusiasm among the people? By understanding English, you will be able to learn new things more deeply than before.
03 The world that used to be normal will become unusual (I see! ).
You usually speak Japanese unconsciously, don’t you? But when you learn another language, you will become more aware of the Japanese language. For example, in Japan, the left lane of the road is the left lane, but in the U.S. and Europe, the right lane is the right lane. When you travel to Europe or the U.S. and return to your home country, the left lane, which you had never wondered about before, suddenly seems new to you. By “travelling” to English, new discoveries are made when you return to Japan. I think this is one of the great joys of learning another language.

【監修者】 | 宮川涼 |
プロフィール | 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科哲学専攻修士号修了、同大学大学院同専攻博士課程中退。日本倫理学会員 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科にてカント哲学を専攻する傍ら、精神分析学、スポーツ科学、文学、心理学など幅広く研究に携わっている。 |