00 リベラルアーツとは何か?
さらにこれが、古代ローマにおける自由の諸技術(arts liberales)と機械的技術(arts mechanicae)の区別にも引き継がれ、前者を英語に訳したものが、リベラルアーツということになります。これらは、ローマ時代末期の5世紀後半から6世紀に、自由七科(septem arts liberales)として定義されることになりました。
01 現代でもう受け継がれるリベラルアーツ
What are the liberal arts that people today need?
The importance of “liberal arts” education (liberal arts) is being talked about around the world these days, and even in the field of higher education, there is a shift from mass-production Fordist business school education to design thinking, and then to liberal arts and art thinking, evolving at a dizzying pace.
The liberal arts in this context refer to the “seven liberal arts,” which originated in ancient Greece and Rome, from the Latin words “liberalis” (of free men) and “art/arts” (skill, study). The term “art/arts” is derived from the words “liberalis” (liberal) and “art/arts” (practical knowledge).
To put it more plainly, the liberal arts do not refer to knowledge or skills, but rather to a point of view from where one “sees” things. The more perspectives (viewpoints) we have when perceiving and thinking about things, the better. The more perspectives we have, the less we will be swayed by the changes of the times or our reactions to ourselves. This way of thinking is precisely what is required of people today. With more perspectives, we will have more options in life and fewer decisions to make. Then we will be able to get out of the confusion of the modern world.
Now, in ancient Greece, there was a distinction between free people as citizens and slaves who served them, and a certain level of the background was required to go as a free person. In Plato’s “The State,” the philosopher Plato taught that the study of music and geometry was necessary as a preliminary to philosophy, and his private school, the Academia, apparently stated that those who did not understand geometry should not pass through its gates.
This was further carried over into the ancient Roman distinction between arts liberals and arts mechanical, the former being translated into English as liberal arts. These were defined as the seven liberal arts (septem arts liberales) in the late Roman period, from the late 5th to the 6th century.
In order to align their educational content with Christian principles, these liberal arts were compiled into the European university from the Middle Ages onward. In the medieval university, theology, law, and medicine were the three advanced faculties, and philosophy, which taught logical thinking, was the first step. The next step was grammar, rhetoric, and logic, which were mainly concerned with language, and four subjects related to mathematics, arithmetic and geometry, astronomy, and music. These are the seven free subjects. When the university came into being in neutral Europe, these were officially defined as the subjects of study.
And even today, liberal arts colleges specializing in liberal arts education, such as Amherst College and Williams College, which can be seen on the East Coast of the United States, are preserving this tradition. In Japan, the University of Tokyo’s College of Liberal Arts and International Christian University (ICU) are well known for their interdisciplinary education programs in the basic fields of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
In this era of rapid change, which is also known as VUCA, the liberal arts are the guiding principle that provides us with the coordinates of our lives. The liberal arts are also indispensable for seeing the essence of things and developing a big-picture view that anticipates the times. Moreover, an educated person is not merely a person with a large amount of knowledge, but also a person with a high level of human qualities.
It can be said that an educated person is a person who asks how to live and how to live better. Former Hitotsubashi University President Kinya Abe said that education is “the state of knowing or striving to know, one’s place in society and what one can do for society. For example, in the case of agriculture, a farmer is educated when he understands the importance of agriculture and continues to make efforts in his work, such as how to grow rice. In addition to this awareness of one’s own role, the role of the liberal arts is to learn other fields of expertise and to work well with others who have different values from one’s own.
I believe that the liberal arts are indispensable in this day and age for people to live better. We must learn the wisdom that has been cultivated over the long history of humankind, and learn how things are, how things are defined, and how to look at things. I believe that these skills are becoming more important than teaching subjects for entrance examinations.

【監修者】 | 宮川涼 |
プロフィール | 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科哲学専攻修士号修了、同大学大学院同専攻博士課程中退。日本倫理学会員 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科にてカント哲学を専攻する傍ら、精神分析学、スポーツ科学、文学、心理学など幅広く研究に携わっている。 |